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Welcome to the Collaboration Platform!

eHealth@LU: Joining Forces for Sustainable eHealth Development

The aim of this initiative is to create a multidisciplinary and multi-partner collaboration platform that focuses on e-health research and development (digitalization of wellness, health and healthcare). Our overall goal is to contribute to a targeted development, deployment and use of e-health services and systems to improve wellness health and healthcare for citizens (patients, customers), healthcare professionals and society, as well as to contribute to a multidisciplinary theoretical understanding of this expansive information environment.

Our purpose is to build a fruitful collaboration platform with our external partners in which we combine different academic perspectives and expertise from Lund University with the expertise, empirical questions and needs of our external partners. The platform will contribute to a constructive discussion of e-health and its complexity. It will also provide its partners with an opportunity to scrutinize existing and future opportunities and challenges, find mutual interests, and formulate research and development projects between researchers and partners with common interests.