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27th Webinar

18 November 2021, 9:00 - 10:00

Location: Online (ZOOM) - link by registration 
Language: Swedish

Title: A conversation about the digitalisation of welfare - how is it really going?
In Swedish: Ett samtal om välfärdens digitalisering - hur går det egentligen?

Speaker: Niels Paarup-Petersen, Center Party, Member of Parliament for Malmö, The Education Committee and the Business Committee, Responsible for digital issues

Short information about the speaker: 

Niels has been working with issues concerning digitalisation and welfare for the last 10+ years. As a member of parliament Niels is now focused on the more legislative side but has been working on the regional policy level and outside politics as well.

Niels can be contacted through the following social media:

  • Facebook: Niels Paarup-Petersen
  • Twitter: @nielspaarup
  • Instagram: @nielspaarupc
  • Snapchat: @nielspaarup
  • LinkedIn: @nielspaarup

Short summary of the presentation:  

The presentation will provide an introduction to a conversation on the status on the digitalisation of the welfare sector. The main focus will be on mutual learning and roads for further work.