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30th Webinar

Date and time: Thursday, 15th September 2022, 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Location: Online (ZOOM) - link by registration 
Language: English

Topic of the webinar: The Emergence of Digital Health Care Platforms in Sweden


  • Johan Frishammar is a Professor at Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Luleå University of Technology and a Research Fellow at the House of Innovation at Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Anna Essén is an Associate Professor at the House of Innovation at Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Javier Cenamor is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration (LUSEM) and an affiliated member at CIRCLE at Lund University.


Healthcare is facing critical challenges and deep transformations. For example, population aging is questioning the traditional value propositions in the Swedish healthcare context. In this respect, new digital platforms are facilitating new ways of interactions, that have triggered relevant debates on the present and future paths for healthcare. This seminar will explain the emergence and evolution of the primary-care platform business models in Sweden. Moreover, the recent insights on the use of different Swedish digital platforms for healthcare by older users will be presented.

Presentation of the webinar can be downloaded here (the file opens in PDF format).