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Detailed program 14 April 2023



08:30 - 09:00

Coffee & Mingle

09:00 - 09:30 

Navigating in publicly funded landscapes: barriers and opportunities for scaling healthtech across markets

Speaker: Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy, CEO Doctrin AB, Sweden

Short summary:
Navigating public payor landscapes across markets may pose commercial and practical barriers to scaling your healthtech business. Requirements may differ between markets, lack of effective reimbursement systems may hinder your growth, and occasionally, it turns out that the payor is your competitor. Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy will share her learnings from scaling Doctrin’s business to 3 new markets, and her thoughts on how some of these challenges may be overcome.”

The presentation can be downloaded here. (The file is 3,6 MB and is in PDF format)

09:40 - 10:15

Digital health research and success stories in Northern Finland

Speaker: Jarmo Reponen, Professor in Healthcare Information Systems, Univeristy of Oulu, Finland

Short summary:
In this presentation I will discuss first some general aspect of digitalization in the Finnish Healthcare, then digital health research activities especially in Northern Finland including the DigiHealth and 6G Enabled Sustainable Society related research profiles of University of Oulu. Finally I will discuss collaboration with Oulu University Hospital Testlab activities and some success stories with new enterprises.

The presentation can be downloaded here. (The file is 5 MB and is in PDF format)

10:25 - 11:00

An Overview of Mobile Applications Role in Treatment and Management of Chronic Conditions: Experiences from Horizon 2020 R&D Projects

Speaker: Emir MirarBusiness Development Expert and Project Manager, Innatolia R&D Consultancy, Turkey

Short summary:
The presentation will include information about our company and our services, our experience in e-Health R&D projects, our understanding of the patients and field work, our criticism of the literature and gaps in it.

11:00 - 11:15

PAUS - Wrap up

11:15 - 11:45


Reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease via data research and analyses using wearable fitness trackers

Speaker: Peter Hedberg, Account Manager, Google Cloud, Sweden

Short summary:
Prevention and early detection of cardiac diseases such as arhythmias and heart failure within the general population remains a challenge, potentially preventing severe and possibly even fatal complications. An exciting new field is opening up with the increasing availability of artificial intelligence (AI) and data derived from consumer wearables such as heart rate from fitness trackers.

11:45 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:30   

Can we open up the public sector for new innovations – indeed!

Speaker: Björn Lagnevik, Leader of Innovation, Innovation Skåne, Sweden 

Short summary:

How do we create the solutions for tomorrow that are of great benefit for both humans and the environment? Innovation Procurement is a powerful, underused tool to drive change. Having worked within this field for 15 years, we share some of the most important points from these experiences.

Innovation procurement is potentially one of the more powerful innovation policy instruments currently available. It describes problems that shall be solved or functions that shall be fulfilled by means of procurement, rather thanthe products to be purchased. It works from the demand side and it is powerful for two reasons. Firstly, the volume of public procurement is enormous (15 % or more of global GDP), which is manytimes larger than the world expenditure on Research and Development! Secondly, this approach to public procurement can influence not only the speed but also the direction of innovation processes.

13:40 - 14:10

PainDrainer - an AI-powered, patient-centric digital tool for self-management of chronic pain

Speaker: Carl Borrebäck, Professor, Director, Pricipal investigator, Lund University Cancer Center, Sweden

Short summary:
Chronic pain is a major health problem in both Europe and the United States, impacting an estimated 90 million people in Europe and 100 million people in the U.S. PainDrainer is the first a AI-powered digital tool for self-management of chronic pain based on clinical evidence from three trials in the US. The unique feature of a 360° patient-centricity allow the AI-engine to individualise coaching for each individual patient.

14:20 - 15:20



Closing the symposium